Alan lying down - three weeks ago 18x24 bond paper
After a breathless two hours of shopping for a birthday present for my pisces husband and an urgent message from my daughter that we have the book she needs, which I miraculously find amidst the chaos of books everywhere, I am ready to platz.
This year we have been denied a snow day. Usually every winter, nature offers us a gift – overnight there is a huge snow fall – and we awaken to at least two feet or more of light or heavy snow piled against the entrance to our houses. And the snow doesn’t stop, it continues. It is a signal to people like myself to stay in pyjamas. What is particularly exciting on these occasions is the mounting list of closures, early closures, cancellations. School children shriek inwardly and outwardly with delight, lazy folk like myself roll over in bed and stare out the window in pure admiration for this miraculous transformation of the landscape – mon pays c'est l'hiver:
A Field on a farm a few miles north of Waterdown - pastel 7 x 91/2
three days ago - I'll go back there next week
This year it’s as though the snow hasn’t even begun - Almost? not quite, the timing has been off - it’s occurred elsewhere – I’m bewildered. We might get another five or ten more centimetres but that’s it folks – not enough to warrant a snow day. Feeling cheated? You bet.