Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hot to boogie

I’d forgotten about  Hamilton’s race around the bay  a 30 kilometre  marathon that has attracted runners annually since 1894 – the oldest marathon in North America – three years older than the Boston marathon. Phew, wow….
So when I left early to draw two Sundays ago (March 25) I wasn’t prepared for the closure to the downtown and horrendous back up of traffic that kept me driving a good 50 minutes around in circles, wrong way down one way streets, cursing vehemently and  causing me to be a good 15 minutes late for my life session.  Then to give new meaning to the cliché ‘adding insult to injury’ I learned that our model would not appear because her booking had not been confirmed! Really!
These drawings are from this past Sunday, April 3 -  hardly any traffic, the town seemed quite deserted.  


  1. Marcia, so glad you posted these. Wonderful line quality and spontaneous feeling. Love em.

  2. What a treat. Traffic can be a major bane in the direct route to an art session. So glad the last session was ultra good. Fantastic drawings.

    Love Barbara

  3. Hi Doug,
    It's always so gratifying to hear from you. I am loving the photographs you've been posting - they are just simply awesome!!! What an amazing trip you're on.

  4. You're absolutely right Barbara, a slow lane and a no go lane can be a major bane.
    I am wondering btw what and if there is a difference between super and ultra - I saw two kinds of dental floss at the drug store recently - one ultra and the other super and I thought that both would probably be excellent. Sorry for my tangential thought, purely rhetorical - you don't have to answer it - and thank you very, very much for your lovely comment.

    love, Marcia
