Sunday, November 14, 2010

One out of three

I did three fifty minute drawings today, unfinished. This is Ed leaning back  on a stool looking down. There are some things I ought to resolve and tidy up. Tidy I'm not or rarely so, even at the best of times. But I do make frequent trips to the sink to wash my blackened hands - just like Lady MacBeth, but in my case without the guilt and ambition. Once I reconcile myself to my mistakes I try to make the best of things, making mental notes to study the structure in the rib cage more closely and around the neck and then while I'm at it why not the whole ball of wax - hands, toes, fingers, nostrils, chin, feet - hollows and the nether regions, etc.

chalk on cartridge, 18"x24"


  1. Lady Macbeth eh?

    Can't escape the theatre completely. I love this. The leg touching the floor is spectacular. And the mood -- superb -- deep and sad and reflective. Almost Shakespearean -- but more exposed.

    Love Barbara

  2. Thanks for your wonderful comments Barbara. I think exposure is a great thing, also scary for one who is so easily embarrassed.
    love, Marcia

  3. HI Laura,
    Thank you very much for commenting! I visit your amazing blog regularly and appreciate your work and thoughts enormously.
