Wednesday, February 15, 2012


There was a snowfall yesterday, very fine, light snow but steady – I knew that if I worked outside for longer than a few minutes – the snow would make a mess of my materials. On the way to the catholic retreat in Ancaster, therefore,  I stopped at Curry’s and bought a wonderful white umbrella to clamp onto my easel.  To position it was a little more  challenging and awkward than sharpening a pencil. Cathy Gibbon, a brilliant artist who heads our group, helped me with that – so that I wasn’t constantly ducking my head or banging it.

pastel, charcoal 9"x14"


  1. For a moment I thought you'd visited the desert in winter and painted an ocotillo in the foreground, some mesquite in the background and a Tohono o'Odham sun shade off to the right.

    This is really beautiful, you know. I mean really beautiful.

    You must be very strong to have braved such weather.

    I have one of those umbrellas! They are a challenge, but not as much as freezing weather!

  2. This is wild – I would love to know the desert. When I see photographs of the desert I’m enraptured. It’s funny how organic forms suggest a range of possibilities – sometimes I see figures, animals. This may have been a pruned apple tree – it’s silly but I don’t know for sure.
    Also it wasn’t so cold – the wet that got into my easel box, melted and left a puddle.
    You wouldn’t have been daunted by the weather, Melinda – we’ve hardly had any snow this winter!
    So - we both have white umbrellas - cool!!!
    xo, Marcia
