Friday, April 19, 2013


I roughed out two small studies today  - this may or may not develop into more finished work or may simply lead to more studies or both. When you have the desire to go in all directions at once this strategy  is one way to cope with that odd impulse

mcohenlabelle (MCL) © 2013
oil on canvas board 9"x7"
mcohenlabelle (MCL) © 2013
oil on canvas board 9"x 12"
mcohenlabelle (MCL) © 2013


  1. Hi Marcia,

    These are lovely beginnings. I recognize one of these people. Is that the girl who met Lucian Freud. I am now of course hooked and waiting to see where these beauties go.



    1. Thank you Barbara. It is perhaps the person who was introduced to Lucian Freud many years ago - more than I care to remember. Get well soon, soon - and we'll chat about that period in my life of which I have so many fond memories including the time when we met also and have remained close friends throughout these amazing years.

      Love, Marcia

  2. These are so interesting - I know they're going to be wonderful! I do this, too, and sometimes don't finish for months - just when the moment seems right. Really, really like these starts!

    1. Thank you so much for this comment, Connie.
      It is reassuring to know that you also are in the habit of brewing something on the stove, in the back of your mind and letting it percolate and resurface when the time is right.
