Friday, July 20, 2012

Glued to the mercury

I soaked in a tub of cool water for 10 min at two am, then went downstairs to the kitchen to serve myself a bowl of cottage cheese and pineapple with blueberries.
I went from room to room looking for the best breeze from a fan. The heat from earlier in the day still  lingered, was still maddeningly hot – David suddenly appeared from the living room looking  wild eyed and piteous.  He desperately needed a shower,  ‘itchy’, he said - poor thing.  Nevertheless he arose early to join his friend, Martin,  for a bike ride. 
Meanwhile, somewhat revived, I returned to my reclining position with Great Granny Webster by Caroline Blackwood – fabulous book, read a few pages and fell asleep.
Later in the afternoon the power went out and the fans stopped whirring. Quiet – decidedly peaceful.
Now two days later it feels almost like early fall.

A few gestures from mid June on Manilla 18'x24' cropped:
mcohenlabelle (MCL) © 2012

mcohenlabelle (MCL) © 2012


  1. Gee, Marcia, I'm thinking you live very close to me now. It is difficult to have such hot temps. When you write that you use a pot holder to open your car door, I'll know you live down the street.

    I wonder, do you think the heat is worse than living in the very cold of winter?

    There have been times when I've worn wet clothing to stay cool. Spraying oneself with a spray bottle also helps.

    I love your drawings! They have such beautiful lines--hot with energy and meaning. Each woman has a distinctive personality, as though we can almost tell what they are thinking.

    Wishing you more moderate weather.

    1. Would that I could live close to you, Melinda! Location, location location!
      Actually yesterday I could have used a pot holder – when the sun collided with my steering wheel it was burning hot. Normally though, I try to park under a shade tree.
      Last night I also applied your trick of putting on a cold wet shirt. Excellent suggestion.
      With extremes in heat I definitely think summer is as challenging as winter – but it’s invariably the summer light I miss when winter rolls around – unless there’s snow – visually winter can be quite dreary.
      I’m so glad you like the drawings – I honestly don’t’ know what the model was thinking, though– with short poses I barely have enough time to know what I’m thinking in fact I think I may even try not to think.
      I hope you’re enjoying being back in Tuscon, in your own studio. When all is said and done there’s nothing quite like being in one’s own space, don’t you think?!
      xo, Marcia

  2. Such a sense of place in your writing. Like painting a picture - just a woman in a room,with a book, heavy with the heat. The gestural drawings are wonderful too Marcia. I'm cleaning and decorating and moving furniture around. But I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sheila!
      To tell the truth I’m very fond of your scribbles, they are fascinating. I think without question of doubt you write circles around me – and then as for painting – you are astounding!!!
      So I’m wondering what are these withdrawal symptoms you mention – you have aroused my curiosity – actually I develop withdrawal symptom when I go without coffee for a day or two. Could it be in your case that all the shoving and cleaning and decorating have come to interfere with painting and writing? Then shove that other stuff aside and get back to painting and writing. But here I am making assumptions – you’ll have to forgive me for that. Strictly selfish as I look forward to seeing your work!!!

  3. Hi Marcia,

    This heat has been harsh even in Nova Scotia, although here it gets cool at night. Today we saw a huge red fox on our property, and tonight watched a seal fishing while we ate lobster and stared at the nearby river. Something else. At night it can get very cool. A blessing. Gorgeous drawings. Poor David.



  4. It must be sublime to be in N.S. what a treat to see a fox on your own property. I once saw a fox on the Bruce Trail in little old Hamilton.
    It’s been tediously warm here the past few nights but tonight it’s going down to glorious 15C! - No cold compresses required for either of us tonight. But I assure you it wasn’t just poor David – I was just as aggrieved as he!

    Gastronomically I would suppose you can’t go better than lobster but I’ve heard that there’s been such a bumper crop that even restaurants in Toronto are offering lobster for a fraction of the usual price. Hmm – wish we could join you for that and a post prandial stroll along the river!

    Love, Marcia
