Thursday, December 15, 2011

Figure in a room with props

The set up for this figure was a in a room with a lot of cushions, the model reclined on a hard wooden drawing bench – surrounded by assorted vases, some drapery….after it dried,  I stacked this painting against the wall of an upstairs bed room and now after three years have gone by, have retrieved it, dusted it off and photographed it.

oil on masonite 24"x32"

Friday, December 9, 2011

New at it second session

Two  pieces from the second week with the previous model. I think perhaps in spite of or because of  his ‘newness’ -  he was excellent as a model!

pastel on toned watercolor paper

pastel on toned watercolor paper

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New at it

This is a model who I drew sometime ago. He was inexperienced as a model and felt awkward and uncomfortable while posing. He was even in some pain because he worked out at a gym and had hurt himself. He came at most for two sessions but not  for the third booking. 
I realize of course that I enjoyed drawing him,  much more than he enjoyed sitting.

manilla 18"x24" charcoal