Last Sunday was such a beautiful day, I had the supreme longing to go for a bicycle ride but my husband said, “you better go draw, anyway I have work to do.”
To make matters slightly more banal I had a stiff neck, however I went to draw with a stiff neck. During pose breaks I marvelled with awe and envy while the model stretched her spine, neck and limbs catlike in a yoga-like workout.
Then I solicited commiseration from fellow drawers and we discussed diagnoses and cause and strategies for cure and prevention – heat, ibuprofen, tai chi, Pilates, massage, yoga, Alexander technique, and the miraculous reversible irreversibles of aging which is to go for a bicycle ride, or swim or walk and to strictly limit one’s sedentary activity at a computer just as I am doing right now - this very minute.
Then it was time for the model to resume her pose.
Then it was time for the model to resume her pose.
18"x24" soft pastel on Strathmore
18"x24" charcoal on Manilla
18"x24" compressed charcoal Manilla
18"x24" vine charcoal on Manilla